
We are a group of Portuguese teens and this is our blog for the Comenius Project: Values Across Generations and Borders(VAGAB). We're called: Luciano Norte, Marco Abreu and Samuel Simões.

In this blog we will let you know about our participation in vagabclub. That participation means telling you about our country, our school, our interests, opinions and curiosities over Europe.

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2011

Our video regarding the fourth theme. Never underestimate an old lady, it may very well be your doom.

3 comentários:

  1. Hi all,
    I loved the video, it really made me laugh and it makes a good point. Perhaps you could explain the ideas behind it in an MP3 file and then post that too?

    Thanks a lot, now I will have a look at the new blog too.


  2. Hi people. We are the catalonia group 4.

    We love this video. We think that it's interesting and very funny. The special effects are too reals, in portugal the old ladies are so?

    merry Christmas

  3. Hi there!

    Genious movie; a 'bit' more interesting then what we have made for the 'same' theme haha (a boring audioclip)
    After watching this I will never forget to watch after an old lady with a saw....

    Kisses Cindy, Joris and Willemijn
