
We are a group of Portuguese teens and this is our blog for the Comenius Project: Values Across Generations and Borders(VAGAB). We're called: Luciano Norte, Marco Abreu and Samuel Simões.

In this blog we will let you know about our participation in vagabclub. That participation means telling you about our country, our school, our interests, opinions and curiosities over Europe.

quarta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2011

New Blog

In the spirit of the new school year we created a new blog for our group, and we're only going to post on that one from now. Hope you like it:

Link for our new blog:vagab5pt.blogspot.com

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2011

Our video regarding the fourth theme. Never underestimate an old lady, it may very well be your doom.

quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2011

Vagab theme two - BBC Wild School

Our video regarding the second theme. We hope you like watching it as much as we liked making it!

quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

Queen Isabel’s Miracle of the Roses

This is one of the most known Portuguese legends that shows the goodness of Queen Isabel for her subedits, to who she took money and comfort.
The story begins when a nobleman tells his king, Don Dinis, that the Queen spent too much money in charity for church, donations to convents, and other charity actions and so the nobleman finally convinced the King to end it.
The King decided to surprise the Queen in the morning while she was going, with money, to give to charity, and he noticed that she was hiding something in her purse.  
Questioned by Don Dinis, Queen Isabel informed that she was going to decorate the altars in the monastery with roses but the king insisted that he had been informed that the Queen had disobeyed his orders and she was taking the money to the poor.
Suddenly, and with confidence Queen Isabel answered:
-You are wrong my royal King, what I take in my purse is only roses.
The King thought:”How could she possibly have roses in January?” Angry because of her lies, he ordered her to show him what was inside of her purse. She was unsure of what she was going to do; she showed him her purse and right before his eyes a beautiful branch of roses appeared
The King, speechless, was finally convinced that a supernatural phenomenon had just happened, and immediately he apologized to the Queen. Happy that she wasn’t discovered, she continued to send money and food to the poor people.
The news of the miracle run trough Coimbra and everyone proclaimed her “Queen Isabel the Saint of Portugal”

sexta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2010


Localization: European Continent
Principal City: Lisbon
Official language: Portuguese
Government: parlimentary republic
President of the Republic: Aníbal Cavaco Silva
Formation: 1093 a.C
Entry in the European Union: 1st January 1986
Area: 92 090 km2
 Borders: Spain (north and east) and Atlantic ocean (south and west)
Population: 10 637 713 (2009)
Coin: Euro
Climate: temperate Mediterranean
Autonomous regions: Açores and madeira

Our School

Benavente high school

We are students from Benavente's high school, we love our school because it's new, large and has good conditions and equipments. But it hasn't always been like this. The school was forty years old and needed renovations.

The inauguration of our futurist school, was in the last year.

It was a pleasure for us to start our very first year in this new improved high school.